Convey is an agency focused on website strategy for B2B marketing teams with a sales-assisted purchase journey.

The Uncover Report

Get recommendations to transform your website strategy and execution

We audit your website and provide a comprehensive report to transform your digital experience into a more strategic component of your marketing efforts for B2B marketing teams with sales-assisted purchase journeys.

Request the Uncover Report

Trusted by the best in B2B.
We partner with VC-backed startups to the Fortune 500.

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The problem Creating and managing a high-performing, strategic B2B website demands is an endless cycle of questions, tasks, and optimizations.

Staying on top of everything is nearly impossible. Most B2B marketing teams do what they can with the limited resources they have, which is only a small portion of what is needed.

Why does it take our home page so long to load?
Why does our website keep going down?
I feel like our website's missing something.
When is the last time someone has reviewed the website on all browsers?
The headings on our website are are inconsistent.
Our Lighthouse scores are terrible.
When's the last time someone checked to see if there are broken links on our website?
This page looks different than the rest of our website.
This website doesn't match our new brand standards.
Our website looks dull and outdated.
I can't read the text above this background image.
We have too much content on our website.
Our case studies are outdated.
We need someone to audit our content strategy.
Our website is not converting our traffic.
Should we gate our content?
How should we tell our company and product story?
How much investment should we give our website?
Our website looks like every other website.
I feel like our competitors are doing a lot better job than us.
Our mobile menu is missing items compared to our desktop menu.
Our product information is incorrect and outdated.
Should we create industry pages?
How much information should we include on our website?
Should we use AI-generated content?
How should we reorganize our main nav?
Our prospects are complaining about broken forms on our website.
Our search functionality is not working properly.
Why is our SEO traffic so low?
What should be our call-to-action on this page?
Our contact information is hard to find on the website.
The font sizes on our website are inconsistent.
Our website's footer is cluttered and hard to read.
The analytics tracking on our website is not accurate.
Our website's FAQ section is outdated and unhelpful.
Does our website meet accessiblily standards?
Do we need a cookie banner on our website?
Our prospects are getting lost in the site structure.
The content on our homepage is not engaging.
Our website's security certificates are not up-to-date.
There are too many pop-ups on our website.
Our website doesn't have a clear value proposition.
We need more visual content like videos and infographics.
Is the content strategy on our blog working?
We need to add more interactive elements to our website.
Our website doesn't support multiple languages.

The outcome The Uncover Report provides an overview of all the components you need to consider and manage when running an effective B2B marketing website.

Short term

Receive a roadmap outlining immediate steps to achieve quick and impactful results.

Long term

Refocus your website strategy on a clear, long-term goal, moving away from conflicting short-term initiatives.

Short term

The Convey team will understand your strategy and your prospects better to provide more accurate feedback and analysis.

Long term

You have an up-to-date marketing strategy handbook to keep your team and vendors all working in the same and correct direction.

Short term

Gain immediate insights into which strategies, operations, and execution methods are effective and which need improvement.

Long term

Receive a framework to continuously evaluate the success of your strategy, operations, and execution as you advance your marketing activities.

Short term

Present report findings and scores with leadership to justify resource allocation in your marketing efforts.

Long term

Adopt a framework to implement a long-term plan that continuously optimizes marketing resources and sustains leadership buy-in.

Here's our process to create your report

Step 1
We need to conduct an in-depth analysis of your marketing strategy

To provide a comprehensive audit of your website, we need to conduct an in-depth analysis of your go-to-market (GTM) strategy, your prospects, and the steps that your prospects take to make a purchase.

Your go-to-market (GTM) strategy

We need to understand your most up-to-date go-to-market messaging and how you aim to position your company and its offerings in the marketplace.

Your prospects

We need to understand your Ideal Client Profile (ICP), learn about your buying champion, and learn about the different stakeholders that will likely be involved in your prospect’s purchase journey.

Your prospect’s purchase journey

We need to understand your prospects' problems, the possible solutions they might consider, their evaluation criteria when comparing your offering to others, and the steps your buying champion must take to secure a successful purchase within their organization.

Go-to-market strategy handbook
We need to conduct an in-depth analysis of your marketing strategy

We provide a handbook that serves as a go-to-market guide for the Convey team to analyze your website, SEO program, and marketing automation activities. Long-term, your team and vendors can use this handbook as a resource to create more consistent and effective campaigns and initiatives.

Step 2
We will audit and provide feedback on your website, SEO, and marketing automation activities.

Website audit and feedback

We will extensively analyze your website & corresponding operations:

  • Core pages review, e.g. home page and product pages
  • Content marketing review, e.g. most impactful content and marketing resources such as success stories, blog posts, etc.
  • Global elements review, e.g. menus, tracking & analytics, styling, etc.
B2B-based SEO audit and feedback

We will review and analyze your SEO program & corresponding operations:

  • Top keywords - Review & summarize your current top keywords
  • Keyword targets - Recommend the most impactful keywords to target
  • Keyword opportunities - Identify existing keywords to further optimize
  • Google Search Console profile - Review technical errors and warnings
Marketing automation audit and feedback

We will extensively analyze your marketing automation & execution:

  • Database review, e.g. data quality & depth, data enrichment practices
  • Forms review, e.g. form fields, form consistency, form fill automation
  • Email marketing review, e.g. campaign execution, email templating
  • Landing page review e.g. campaign execution, page templating

Step 2 outcome
Uncover Report presentation and delivery

We will present our findings from the Uncover Report to you and your team, then schedule collaboration sessions between Convey and your team to discuss the details of the audit and feedback within the report and collaborate on a plan to refine your future strategy, operations, execution.

Request the Uncover Report

Step 1: Are you interested in a partial or full report?
Choose an audit report category
Step 2: Help us prepare for our meeting
Step 3: Request an intro meeting

Frequently asked questions

Here is what we generally need to build your Uncover Report:

  • Access to marketing & sales documentation: To provide accurate website insights and recommendations, we need to understand your company's go-to-market strategy. This information will be mapped out in the first part of our report, the website strategy handbook.
  • Point of contact: Typically, this is the person who manages the website. They will act as the liaison between Convey Digital and your team, providing context about your website, answering questions, and supplying marketing strategy resources and documents.
  • Access to marketing tools: To deliver precise website insights and recommendations, we need access to your marketing automation tool, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager.

If you don't have this information or cannot provide access, no problem, we will figure out a plan to move forward.

The Uncover Report is specifically designed to assist B2B marketing teams with a sales-assisted go-to-market strategy. If this describes your team, you're an ideal candidate for our report. If you're uncertain, please reach out to us, and we'll help determine the best path forward. If we're not the right fit, we can likely recommend someone who is!

Yes, your report is completely confidential and private. We do not share this information with any third parties.

However, if you wish to share the Uncover Report with another vendor or partner, you are welcome to do so!

No, this report will likely not lead to instant increase KPI metrics, so don’t invest your resources on this report. Think of this report as a long-term play. This report allows you to establish a foundational strategy for success on your website, SEO, and marketing automation activities, so it requires a longer lead time to see long-term, sustainable results.

  • We request a point person to act as the liaison between Convey Digital and your team. This person will provide context about your website, answer questions, and supply marketing strategy resources and documents. We estimate this will require about 8-16 hours of their time, though this can vary based on their desired level of involvement.
  • Additionally, we will have several check-in and approval meetings throughout the process to ensure we are aligned with your go-to-market strategy and goals. We estimate 3-4 hours per additional stakeholder for these meetings and check-ins.
  • After delivering the Uncover Report, we provide 6 hours of additional website strategy consulting to maximize the insights and recommendations from the report. These hours are typically spent in working sessions, so please allocate 6 additional hours for each stakeholder who wishes to participate in these meetings.

Ecommerce is not our specialty, so it wouldn't be right for us to complete a report for an ecommerce experience and system. However, please reach out to us, and we can help you find the right fit—we likely know someone who would be a perfect match for you!

Yes, we provide agency services in addition to providing the Uncover Report to B2B marketing teams with a sales-assisted go-to-market strategy. We hope the Uncover Report is so beneficial to you that you would like to continue to work with us on an ongoing basis. We provide the following services:

How we support B2B marketing teams